Chocolate Dried Cranberry Cake
one stick unsalted butter
1C dried cranberries or
1/4C bourbon or water
7 oz. bittersweet
chocolate, chopped
1/4C pecans, toasted
2 Tbsp. flour
3 large eggs, separated
1/2C packed light brown
sugar (for yolks)
2 Tbsp. sugar (for whites)
sifted powdered sugar
1/2C cream beaten with
sugar and vanilla to taste
Place oven rack in middle
position and preheat to 350F. Line a
10-inch round pan with a removable bottom with parchment and butter the
parchment. Pulse pecans and flour
together in a food processor until finely ground.
Simmer cranberries in the
bourbon in a small pan over low heat until cranberries are tender and bourbon
is absorbed – about 5 minutes. Remove
from the heat. Melt chocolate and butter
in a bowl set over simmering water until smooth. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
Beat yolks and brown sugar
until thick. Add the chocolate mixture
and fold in. Beat whites until soft
peaks, add sugar and beat until fairly stiff.
Fold one third of whites into chocolate mixture along with the dried
cranberries and pecan mixture just to lighten; fold in remainder gently. Turn batter into prepared pan and bake about
25 minutes or until firm. Let cool
slightly. Run a knife around the inside
edge of the pan. Remove the ring and
transfer cake (off the parchment paper) to a platter. Dust with sifted powdered sugar and serve
with whipped cream.
MAKES: 8 – 10 servings